RhinoCeros - профессиональная система концептуального 3D проектирования и моделирования для операционной среды Windows. Основой является AGLib NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) - технология моделирования. Название: Rhinoceros 4 SR6 & Vray For Rhino SR 1.5 Разработчик: McNeel Год выпуска: 2009 Язык Интерфейса: English Платформа/ОС: Windows All (2000/XP/Vista) Активация|рег код: Присутствует Размер файла: 208,45 Мb - Rhino позволяет создавать, редактировать, анализировать кривые, поверхности и твердые тела, и работать с NURBS-объектами. Система эффективно работает объектами любой сложности и размеров. Это может быть моделирование как техническое от клапана до лайнера, так и моделирование биологических объектов от мышонка до человека. Rhino обеспечивает гибкость моделирования благодаря широчайшему набору возможностей рабочей среды. Функциональные возможности системы ставят ее на одну ступень с системами верхнего уровня, при этом Rhino выгодно отличается в цене. Вы сможете смоделировать все, что подскажет вам воображение - без труда воплотив ваши идей в модели. - Открытость Rhino позволяет легко интегрироваться с любыми CAD/CAM/CAE пакетами. Начинающие пользователи и профессионалы во всем мире, отдают предпочтение легкому в освоении и эффективному в использовании пакету Rhinoceros. - Технология B-сплайнов основана на математических формулах посредством которых описываются любые формы, от простой 2-D линии, круга, дуги, или кривой к самым сложным органическим поверхностям или твердым телам в 3-D. Start with a sketch, drawing, physical model, scan data, or only an idea Rhino provides the tools to accurately model and document your designs ready for rendering, animation, drafting, engineering, analysis, and manufacturing or construction. CADCAM To be an effective designer today, you need tools to quickly develop your designs and accurately communicate them to everyone in the product research, development, marketing, and manufacturing or construction process. Enhanced Features:[url=javascript:ShowOrHide(]Показать / Скрыть текст[/url] Block: A warning about blocks with no geometry as been added. Open: A confirmation message now appears on the command line. Save:STL - Interface change: The options and prompts for a scripted export of file formats that use the STL mesh setting have been changed to more closely resemble the settings of the Mesh command. Bug Fixes: BlockManager: Hidden blocks (with * prefix in the name) did not display correctly. This is fixed. BooleanUnion crash fixed. BoxEdit crash fixed. Circle crash fixed. Circle crash fixed. Close Rhino crash has been fixed. CopyViewportToDetail faieds after the first time the command is run. This is fixed. Dim: The hyphen between feet and inches sometimes did not display. This is fixed. DimAngle crash fixed. DocumentProperties, Render: The Lock viewport aspect ration was incorrectly not maintained after closing the dialog box. This is fixed. EdgeSrf crash fixed. EditPtOn crash fixed. ExtrudeSrfTapered: Failure bug fixed. Flow command crash fixed. Insert: A problem with creating layers after the insertion was canceled has been fixed. Installer: A file required for ZPR export was not being installed. This is fixed. Installers: Level I and Level II Training Guides now have installers. InterpCrvOnSrf command crash fixed. InterpCrvOnSrf crash fixed. Intersect crash fixed. Linetypes: The Document Properties Linetype scale incorrectly allowed 0 as a value. This disabled linetypes. This is fixed. Loft command crash fixed. Loft crash fixed. Loft crash fixed. Loft crash fixed. Loft crash fixed. Loft: Several bugs that caused an incorrect surface have been fixed. MacroEditor: A problem with focus to the command line has been fixed. Offset crash fixed. OffsetSrf crash fixed. OffsetSrf crash fixed. Open:DWG/DXF: A problem opening DXF files has been fixed. Open:DWG: Splines did not read properly. This is fixed. Open:IGES crash fixed. Open:OBJ: Files imported from topmod3D had some gaps. This is fixed. Open:OBJ: OBJ data was not read correctly by Service Release 5b. This is fixed. Open:SKP: An import error has been fixed. Open:SolidWorks crash fixed. Open:STEP crash fixed. Open crash fixed. Options, Appearance: The Full path in titlebar option did not work properly. This is fixed. Options, Appearance, Advanced Settings: The Export button was incorrectly available even when no scheme is selected for export. This is fixed. PanelingTools: Several crashes fixed. Panelling Tools: Crash fixed. Patch crash fixed. PointDeviation: The Apply button did not work correctly. This is fixed. Polygon crash fixed. Polygon crash fixed. Polyline crash fixed. Print crash fixed. Properties: Text crash fixed. Rectangle crash fixed. Reparameterize crash fixed. RhinoScript: The RhinoScript page of Options incorrectly allowed the same script file to be added more than once to the list of files to load at startup. Save:3DS: A problem with importing and exporting has been fixed. Save:DWG/DXF: Support for exporting ACIS solids has been added. Create or edit a named export scheme, and change the export option for Rhino surfaces to AutoCAD Solids. SaveAs crash fixed. Scale1D did not properly update CurvatureAnalysis colors. This is fixed. ScaleEdge crash fixed. SelBlockInstanceNamed crash fixed. ShortCurves plugin crash fixed. Starting Rhino on Vista Improved: previous releases of Rhino 4.0 sometimes would only start when run as Administrator. SR6 should start without administrator permissions. Toolbar: Graphic images were garbled when toolbar was imported. This is fixed. TriangulateNonPlanarQuads: A problem with the selection calculation has been fixed. Доп. информация: Инструкция по установке - в архиве. Download | Скачать Rhinoceros 4 SR6 & Vray For Rhino SR 1.5: 4files.net Vip-file.com Sms4file.com Letitbit.net Uploadbox.com Depositfiles.com: part1 | part2 | part3 Rapidshare.com: part1 | part2 | part3