Title: Dj Jim - Summer Lights 2009: Holiday mix Release date: 22.07.2009 Style: Progressive, House Size: 134 Mb Tracks: mixed, by tracks Quality: 320kbps / 44100Hz / Joint Stereo
Tracklist: 1. Leventina - Here Workin (Dinka remix) 2. Hotshot and Nelson - Northern Dreams 3. Atlantis Ocean - Divine 4. Barry Devlin - Crash 5. Paul Keeley - Wegel 6. Dj Mar Dee, Dj Kiriloff ft. Katrin Moro - La Salida Del Sol (Adapter dub mix) 7. Blank and Jones - Lazy Life (Summer vibe dub) 8. Dinka - In Command 9. Mars needs Lovers - Save the World 10. Dodo - Convex 11. Dj Tatana - Somebody (Leventina remix)
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